The campaign is an invitation and a shoutout initiated by the association Svenska Cykelstäder. It includes some of Sweden's most ambitious municipalities, who work purposefully to increase cycling. Together, we want to raise the status of cycling and inspire people to use their bikes on a daily basis. Be inspired by some true cycling fans – Amira Narel, Jessica Berg and Johan Rabaeus.
Our goal is that 50% of all journeys shorter than 5 kilometers should be carried out by bicycle. We produced three films with biking enthusiasts where they got to tell us why they choose to ride a bike. The films formed the hub of the campaign and were adapted to various channels. We created a campaign page and activation booster in social media. We also designed digital advertising, physical posters, a campaign logo and give aways. All material was placed on a separate website where the municipalities could download materials when needed.
How do you roll? Johan Rabaeus.
How do you roll? Amira Narell.
How do you roll? Jessica Berg.
Example of campaign material
Selected work
Gudrun SjödénCampaign – Film
Fjällräven 2025Campaign – Film
Wardt – SKFCampaign – Film
Jack WolfskinSkitouring winter campaign shoot
IcehotelSocial media material
EpirocEpiroc brand film
ENRXENRX brand film
FjällrävenFilmproduction Hemma i Bergen / Svenska Äventyr
Trygg TraceableFilm and photo – The Dorje jacket
NynäshamnFilmproduction Vision2040
HärjedalsKökTV commercial – New kitchen in a day
Svenska CykelstäderCommercial – Låt barnen styra
IF MetallFilmproduction with Graphera
SJFilmproduction – The night train to Narvik
NynäshamnCampaign Plats för livet
Dina FörsäkringarCase: Jobba hos oss
SveFastFilmproduction "Mäklarappen"
AvonovaClient cases
JernspiranFilmproduction and campaign
JernhusenFilmproduction and campaign
Oxunda vattensamverkanOur driking water
Oxunda vattensamverkanStormwater
Friskis&SvettisMeet a Hero
Friskis&SvettisCase: Verksamhetsberättelse
Drum and ZmartaCase: Insplanet film and photo shoot
ReelCase: Reel
NynäshamnWeb design
Jernhusen MediaCase: Kampanj Play
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