Nynäshamn Sjöräddningen

Nynäshamns kommun – Campaign: Plats för eldsjälar

Customer’s goal: To continue the work of the long term communication concept of “Plats för livet” with a new campaign for the summer. The campaign should inspire and bring a sense of pride to inhabitants as well as attract people to visit Nynäshamn during the summer months. “Plats för livet” – wide-ranging meaning; Nynäshamn is a place where you have the time and space to live your life to the fullest.

Our take: Show the good forces and passion that can be found throughout municipality. To do so we wanted to pay tribute to the men and women in Nynäshamn that does more than what is asked of them. To highlight the great work these people do and show the drive they possess and inspire others with. We meet Johanna and Pål from Sjöräddningssällskapet (SRSS), Fredrik and Maria from art group Konstartera and Linda, Emma and Tobias from the three football clubs in Nynäshamn. All people with different interests but all with the same passion and desire to help others and give back to the community.

The output for the campaign was local newspapers, films and photos for social media and web articles with interviews.


Selected work

Gudrun SjödénCampaign – Film

Wardt – SKFCampaign – Film


Jack WolfskinSkitouring winter campaign shoot

IcehotelSocial media material

EpirocEpiroc brand film

ENRXENRX brand film

FjällrävenFilmproduction Hemma i Bergen / Svenska Äventyr

Trygg TraceableFilm and photo – The Dorje jacket

NynäshamnFilmproduction Vision2040

HärjedalsKökTV commercial – New kitchen in a day

Svenska CykelstäderCommercial – Låt barnen styra

IF MetallFilmproduction with Graphera

SJFilmproduction – The night train to Narvik

NynäshamnCampaign Plats för livet

Dina FörsäkringarCase: Jobba hos oss

SveFastFilmproduction "Mäklarappen"

AvonovaClient cases

JernspiranFilmproduction and campaign

JernhusenFilmproduction and campaign

Oxunda vattensamverkanOur driking water


Svenska CykelstäderFilm and campaign

Friskis&SvettisMeet a Hero

Friskis&SvettisCase: Verksamhetsberättelse


Drum and ZmartaCase: Insplanet film and photo shoot

ReelCase: Reel

NynäshamnWeb design

Jernhusen MediaCase: Kampanj Play

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+46 706 21 15 00

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Sandhamnsgatan 75G
115 28 Stockholm

Orgnr 556451-2662
Bankgiro 135-0974

KLAPP / Storytellers for a world in motion