
IF Metall – Commercials

IF Metall is Swedens largest union with more than 313 000 members. We have been traveling from the south to the northernmost parts of Sweden. Visiting 11 different companies and travelling to places where no media ever has been before, we captured moments most moviemakers only could dream about. It’s a typical day for the members of IF Metall, yet breathtaking for outsiders. The films have been launched throughout 2019 and early 2020 for the congress that takes place every third year in Stockholm. Here are some of the companies we have been privileged to visit.

Uppdragsgivare: Graphera

Selected work

Gudrun SjödénCampaign – Film

Fjällräven 2025Campaign – Film

Wardt – SKFCampaign – Film


Jack WolfskinSkitouring winter campaign shoot

IcehotelSocial media material

EpirocEpiroc brand film

ENRXENRX brand film

FjällrävenFilmproduction Hemma i Bergen / Svenska Äventyr

Trygg TraceableFilm and photo – The Dorje jacket

NynäshamnFilmproduction Vision2040

HärjedalsKökTV commercial – New kitchen in a day

Svenska CykelstäderCommercial – Låt barnen styra

SJFilmproduction – The night train to Narvik

NynäshamnCampaign Plats för livet

Dina FörsäkringarCase: Jobba hos oss

SveFastFilmproduction "Mäklarappen"

AvonovaClient cases

JernspiranFilmproduction and campaign

JernhusenFilmproduction and campaign

Oxunda vattensamverkanOur driking water


Svenska CykelstäderFilm and campaign


Friskis&SvettisMeet a Hero

Friskis&SvettisCase: Verksamhetsberättelse


Drum and ZmartaCase: Insplanet film and photo shoot

ReelCase: Reel

NynäshamnWeb design

Jernhusen MediaCase: Kampanj Play

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+46 706 21 15 00

Klapp AB
Sandhamnsgatan 75G
115 28 Stockholm

Orgnr 556451-2662
Bankgiro 135-0974

KLAPP / Storytellers for a world in motion